Using Access to Work to Finance Your OrCam MyEye Device in the UK

2021-04-30 | By Orcam Staff

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Using Access to Work to Finance Your OrCam MyEye Device in the UK - OrCam

OrCam’s mission is to harness the power of artificial vision by incorporating pioneering technology into a wearable platform that improves the lives of individuals who are blind, visually impaired, and have reading difficulties. OrCam MyEye is the most advanced, life-changing product in OrCam’s catalog. The most advanced wearable assistive device for people who are blind, visually impaired, or have reading difficulties, OrCam MyEye allows you to read documents that come across your desk, catch up on work email, recognize colleagues in the office, identify products from the refrigerator, and much more. Tens of thousands of people across the world have experienced the life-changing OrCam MyEye, many using it to get back to work.

Funding is possible for OrCam MyEye via Access to Work.

Access to Work (ATW) is a government-funded scheme run by Job Centre Plus and may provide a grant for unique solutions to support visually impaired or dyslexic employees in the workplace.

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you:

  • start working
  • stay in work
  • move into self-employment or start a business

How much you get depends on your circumstances. The money does not have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.

How can it help me?

Access to Work can help pay for support you may need because of your disability or long-term health condition, for example:

  • aid and equipment in your workplace
  • adapting equipment to make it easier for you to use
  • providing you with additional training
  • a phased return to work, such as reduced hours or fewer days

Access to Work partners will also work with your employer to advise them how best they can support you in the workplace.


To receive support from Access to Work you must have a disability or health condition that means you need an aid, adaptation, or financial or human support to do a job. For example, a special computer or equipment.

You can apply for Access to Work if you:

  • are normally resident in, and working in, Great Britain
  • have a disability or long-term health condition that means you need aid, adaptation, or financial or human support to do your job (long-term means lasting or likely to last for at least 12 months)
  • have a mental health condition and need support at work
  • are aged 16 or over

For more information on ATW and details on how to apply can be found on the Gov.UK website: